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Healthcare Marketing


Social Media Healthcare Marketing

Social media has evolved significantly from its humble beginnings as a place for friends and family to keep in touch and share pictures. Now, people look to social media outlets for news, relevant information, and recommendations on everything from books, restaurants, and things to do on vacation to health care providers.

That’s right, social media is fast becoming a crucial part of a strategic marketing plan for doctors, hospitals, and all aspects of the healthcare industry. In fact, one study showed that nearly 60% of Americans decided where to get treatment based on a provider’s social media presence. If you’ve been lagging behind thinking that social media was a passing trend or not the right forum for serious businesses such as healthcare, then it’s time to reject that old thinking and jump on the digital bandwagon.

Besides increasing online presence, you might be wondering how physicians and other professionals in the healthcare field can benefit from social media marketing. Here are a few ways health care and social media can prove to be a match made in marketing heaven:

Earn Trust

Building relationships, especially those with patients, require communication. A social media presence allows medical professionals to connect with patients in real-time. Once people know they can find trust you for support and trust online, they’re more likely to seek your practice out in the real world for medical care.

Educate Patients

Social media provides physicians and other medical professionals with a forum to share important information. Filling your Twitter and Facebook feeds with relevant content such as preventative care initiatives, seasonal health care, vaccinations when to see a specialist and more makes you the go-to source for important medical information.


In addition to building trust with patients, social media sites facilitate collaboration among professionals in healthcare and specific medical fields. You can network with peers on sites such as LinkedIn to expand knowledge, share experiences, and give and earn referrals from other medical professionals.

Build Brand Awareness

This might not be something you think you need as a medical professional, but that’s the furthest thing from the truth. You are your brand, and reaching your target audience with your knowledge and expertise is invaluable.


Ready to take the plunge into social media marketing for your healthcare or medical practice? Give Green Arrow Marketing a call today. We’ve got our finger on the pulse of healthcare marketing.